Members of the Watch,
It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce our next event: Tackling the Cave of the Dying Lady
Our last event, the Romero Takeover was a strong internal success - more members of the watch than ever before came out and joined the festivities. Despite a few incidents, the watch is as strong as ever and is definitely ready to tackle this next task head on.
On September 1st, at 2:00 PM EDT (11:00 AM PDT) we will meet up in Grimdale and head off to slay the TWO GIANTS that are rumored to guard the cave.
Due to a lack of supplies across the realm, we will be heading towards the cave in separate groups across servers before we all log into the same public server. Although we will be gathering supplies as we head from Grimdale to the Cave, it is strongly suggested that you manage to secure decent armor, food, and water supplies before the meetup - as anyone that dies along the way will unfortunately be left behind due to time constraints.
If you plan to attend the event, please RSVP on reddit.
The council will be appointing temporary squad leaders over the next couple days. If you can make the event and would like to lead a squadron, please volunteer on reddit. Selected leaders will be emailed the route on the Wednesday before the event, and will be expected to lead their entire group without deaths to the Cave of the Dying Lady.
In addition, all members are suggested to be in the chatroom on the website an hour before the event, and are heavily suggested to have teamspeak running even if it's just to listen. Do NOT post in the Teamspeak Chatroom - as your messages there will go unseen.
Prepare yourselves.
For we are the fire that burns against the cold.

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch
P.S. My apologies about the first blank email. There was a bug in our system. It's fixed now.