Posting Proposals

The council has recently passed a measure that allows YOU! YES YOU! (as long as you are rank Private or above) to write and pass proposals.

The council uses proposals sort of like laws. Proposals are how we change the rules of the Watch, but they can also be for things such as events, meetings, etc. The one restriction being placed on them is that members may not post proposals for elevations of rank.

Here is the law:

  • A proposal post is made on the Night's Watch subreddit, detailing the intricacies of the proposal, by a Night's Watch member of status Private or above (Council may do this as well, to encourage public discussion).
    • The proposal post is for discussion, and not for voting. The proposal MAY be changed during the discussion. The author of the proposal is required to have a detailed changelog of any changes made to the proposal.
    • The proposal may NOT propose a promotion or demotion of any member of the Watch, nor of any civilian.
  • There is a two week period for said proposal to gain a "sponsor" that is not the author of the proposal. For a proposal to enter the next round, a Night's Watch member of Corporal or above must officially declare that they are sponsoring the proposal. The author of the proposal then has 3 days in which to declare the final draft of the proposal, which is then delivered to the sponsor and posted in the proposal thread as a link to a pastebin or github gist.
  • After the delivery of the final draft, the proposal enters a formal voting round by the council. The final votes of this round must be made public. (Who voted and which way).

So feel free to start writing your proposals and putting them up on the reddit! Now you can help contribute to internal Night's Watch politics!


Night's Watch Buttons & Shirts 50% Off

If you've been wanting a Night's Watch button or shirt, now is the time to do it. Zazzle is having a sale in honor of St. Patrick's day, and it's already started.

Use code STPATS50DEAL to get 50% off Shirts and Buttons, and 15% everything off at checkout.

You can get your swag on at

The very small overhead for royalties will go directly into the Night's Watch server & domain fund.

If you're rank Corporal or Higher and want a button denoting your rank, ping me on either The Shotbow Forums or on Reddit and I'll send you a link where you can add your ranked button to your cart.

Night's Watch Swag

Thanks to our member Meat_Jockey, who lovingly designed the logo for the post-restructure Watch, we've been able to put together some Night's Watch swag.

We have a couple T-Shirts, a stupid hat, and some pretty sweet looking buttons.

If you're going to Minecon 2013, I'd strongly encourage you to get a button. They're not all that expensive, and it's always great for The Night's Watch to represent.

And if you want to take a glance at the hat and shirts, you can visit our ridiculous little storefront on Zazzle.

All proceeds, which were unfortunately required by Zazzle to have, and are quite minimal (5%) will go directly into funding the Night's Watch's server.

The Long-Awaited Restructure

I am pleased to announce that the long-awaited Night's Watch Restructure, including new orders and military-style ranks has finally happened!

As such, my position of Lord Commander has been given to sssdl4, effective as of July 13th, 2013 (the one year anniversary of the Watch!)

With this in mind, all members of the Night's Watch will be required to re-register on the website, and re-join the Watch as recruits in order to renew their membership.

Using rangings and fast-tracking known active members, the new council (made of Lieutenant-ranked members and up) will bring new recruits into the watch to earn their rank of Private.

The new ranks are as follow:

  • Civilian - anyone registered on the website
  • Recruit - anyone that has declared they intend to join the Watch
  • Private - someone that has gone through the recruitment process, has been OK'ed by the council, and has officially taken the Oath of The Night's Watch
  • Corporal - members that are allowed to lead squads
  • Lieutenant - members of the council that are allowed to lead rangings
  • General - The First Steward and the First Ranger.
  • Lord Commander - sssdl4

As you will have noticed, the new orders are as follows:

  • Order of the Rangers
  • Order of the Stewards

While you may be asked which order you prefer to be in, the council will ultimately choose the order you are placed in.

As the 1st Lord Commander, I thank you all for your participation in the Night's Watch. I'm hoping to watch the new Watch live on for another year.

July 13th Event: Anniversary!

Members of the Watch,

It has come to my attention that this Saturday, July 13th, the organization you have all joined, and pledged an Oath to, will celebrate it's first anniversary.

We have come this far. We have accumulated many numbers, and we continue to be here, serving the realm.

Please, gear up to prepare for this Saturday's Event. We may or may not do anything spectacular, but at the very least Men of the Watch should be prepared.

We will meet in Romero at 2:00pm US Eastern Standard Time (UTC-0500) in The Night's Watch Headquarters. The rest will be announced in mumble, as will the server.

See you there.

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch

July 6th Event: Time and Place

Important: If attending, Please read entire announcement.

Hopefully you read the previous announcement.

In lieu of your responses, we plan to hold the event this July 6th between the hours of 2-4 pm (US Eastern Standard Time). We will start at 2pm, though it will probably not take two hours worth of time.

We will meet in front of the Grimdale Tree on a server to be announced in the mumble channel at 1:50pm EST. Please re-add the new access token, viewable on the Voice Chat page, as we have changed it. We expect all members participating to be LISTENING in Mumble Chat. A Microphone is not required. For best results, we recommend you join the mumble channel thirty minutes before event start (1:30pm EST).

Do NOT Rush ahead of the group, as you will probably get us all killed. Wait for orders from the Lord Commander (Navarr), the First Ranger (krabbby), or the Grand Maester (sssdl4).

Finally, please fill out this single question form if you are attending (and ONLY if you are attending).

We hope to hold an additional event on the 13th.

I hope to see you all as we take on The Lost Thieves Guild.

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch

Underground Dungeon Discovered (Upcoming Event!)

Night's Watch rangers have recently reported back the existence of a hidden, underground lair. Previously used by the Thieves Guild before they moved to Grimdale.

We have deemed this area the "Lost Thieves Guild," as it is built underground the "Lost Castle." There are many puzzles hidden deep inside. We believe that there is a high potential for powerful items to assist us in our fight against the undead.

To that front, we are requesting information on all Night's Watch members availability. We hope to form several squadrons and rendezvous at the previously mentioned location. To best accomplish that goal, it is imperative that you fill out this form, providing us with the times you are available.

We hope to conquer this would-be dungeon and claim the treasures that lie beneath it.

For we are the sword in the darkness.

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch

Night's Watch Behavior

There have been several disputes recently between Watch members, including Council members.

As such, I have felt pressure to fully address the correct way members of the Watch should handle these situations.

If a member of the Watch is killing other members of the Watch (or other players that show no harm towards him, as per the Rules of Engagement) in MineZ you should take MANY screenshots, post them to an imgur album, and create a KOS Report. You do this by clicking the "File a report?" link at the top of the KOS page.

Keep in mind someone jokingly punching you does not give you the right to end their life. Remember that as an organization our ideals are based in Roleplay and as such Murdering someone for tapping your shoulder is a bit overboard.

If ANY member of the watch is creating a harmful environment, either by yelling at members constantly, calling people insulting names, etc. Then you should collect an appropriate amount of evidence (screenshots, mumble recordings, etc). Host screenshots on imgur, mumble recordings can be hosted for free on soundcloud or tumblr. If the complaint is with a non-council member - please use ModMail on the subreddit to inform the entire council. You can do this by clicking the "Message the Moderators" link on the top of the "Moderators" box on the /r/TheNightsWatch subreddit sidebar. If you do not have reddit or are reporting a council member, please direct your complaints (with links to evidence) to [email protected].

To note, the following behavior is NOT to be tolerated within the Night's Watch:

  • Constant/Multiple insults directed at members of any gamemode you are representing The Night's Watch in. (MineZ, HCF, CivilCraft, CivCraft, SMASH, Project Ares)
  • Harassment of other players
  • Abusing profane language (some is okay, but try to be mature)
  • Racism, Sexism, &c.
  • Bad Sportsmanship (gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg)

Of note and worth remembering, The Night's Watch openly embraces players of all ages and backgrounds. HOWEVER, we do expect those players to act maturely. By following the above behavior guidelines you will prove your maturity, and with maturity and activity comes leadership. And with leadership comes rank and respect.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all nights to come.

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch

Tetra's "Final Stand" Event

It is worth nothing that Tetraporc is running a public event tonight (Friday) at 8pm Eastern Time.

Night's Watch "Rules of Engagement" do not apply for this event. Feel free to participate it without being restrained by the rules of The Night's Watch - however, you ARE still expected to BEHAVE as a Night's Watch member would. (Be a good sport, don't curse, don't accuse people of hacking.)

The link to the Reddit thread about it is here:

Public Event: Final Stand

Feel free to partake and have a little fun!

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch


Hey everyone!

Summer should be starting, and while we're planning to pick up some more events for MineZ, there's been a terrific new gamemode brought into the Shotbow Network!

sssdl4 is leading our Civilization in CivilizationCraft, a very complex gamemode based off of Sid Meyer's Civilization.

Check out CivCraft's website, and if you're interested make sure to join the CivilizationCraft channel in our mumble server.

The more the merrier, but good luck connecting to CIVCRAFT_US2 ;p

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch

Mod has been updated for 1.5.2

The Night's Watch mod has been updated for 1.5.2.

As far as I can tell, Optifine is no longer required, but is still recommended.

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch

The New Map & What it means for The Watch

Before reading the rest of the post, it is imperative you read HighlifeTTU's Post, State of the ShotBow - Settlements and the New Map, as the contents of this post will sound really strange if you don't.

I have been very honored to lead The Night's Watch for the past seven months. In fact, if I'm not mistaken - today, February 17th, 2013 - marks the seventh month of existence for The Night's Watch.

We have done some bad... but we have done a lot of good. We became THE secondary community of MineZ. We have been such an important guild that many high profile members that are today bandits joined either at the start, or at some point during in an attempt to infiltrate our ranks.

Throughout the start, The Night's Watch has been about camaraderie. A single purpose according to storyline: "Rid the world of the Scourge" and a dual purpose in actuality: Friends, Community, Brotherhood.

The fact that I have maintained support of our body over seven months, in both the organization I started, and my continuous leadership - is overwhelmingly amazing - and I thank you all very much for it.

With that said - the new map that Shotbow Networks is planning to release, as detailed by Highlife's post, will not change our mission. We will continue to do what we can to rid the world of the Undead (in storyline - maybe not entirely in actuality cause, you know, we need a game to play). However, our user base will be forced to change.

Upon release of the new map to all premium players, The Night's Watch restructure will take form. Both the member list and the KOS system will be cleared. As with the new map, all active players of The Night's Watch will have to be premium Shotbow members, as the main goal of the Watch will transition to the new MineZ. In the eyes of The Night's Watch, MineZ Classic will be similar in nature to LMS. Night's Watch members will be more likely to be friends to you, but the Rules of Engagement will not be enforced.

Through the restructure, the Night's Watch will take a more military like structure. There will be a more definitive chain of command (though I expect even those in command to be friendly to the other ranks), and the website will of course maintain the same feeling of camaraderie that you've come to expect from being in The Night's Watch.

The Watch will remain a politically neutral entity - always fighting for the realm and the people it contain, no matter their quarrels.

The Watch will be born a new - and I hope to see you fighting alongside your brethren when that happens.

Until the New Map comes, the Night's Watch will continue on as it has since day one - fighting the scourge in the current version of MineZ. So fight! Fight for the realm! The undead MUST be stopped!

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch

Don't have premium? Well, here's something you can try.

Having premium is a definite benefit to participating in Night's Watch activities - some of which are only for premium members.

shinigami221 is holding a contest with the awards being premium membership!

To find out more about the contest, including the rules, awards, and how to enter - Please visit the contest thread on the MineZ Forums

Good Luck!

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch

Reminder: Frostbain Attempt, Saturday January 19th @ 5:00pm EST

As a reminder, The Night's Watch will again be attempting to take on the Frostbain Dungeon Today (January 19th) at 5:00pm US Eastern Time (10:00pm GMT?).

For this event, being in the mumble channel is considered a requirement, as is being well prepared. You will not be required to speak in mumble, but you will be required to listen. Our last crack at this failed due to massive disorganization, and it is of the utmost importance that we remain organized and composed in this next attempt.

If you did not see First Ranger krabbby's original announcement, you can and should do so.

I look forward to seeing you all there. I promised after the first World Event attempt that we would take on and defeat every single Lord's Dungeon, and I aim to keep that promise.

For we are the shield that guards the realms of men.

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch

Reminder: Frostbain Attempt, Saturday January 19th @ 5:00pm EST

As a reminder, The Night's Watch will again be attempting to take on the Frostbain Dungeon Today (January 19th) at 5:00pm US Eastern Time (10:00pm GMT?).

For this event, being in the mumble channel is considered a requirement, as is being well prepared. You will not be required to speak in mumble, but you will be required to listen. Our last crack at this failed due to massive disorganization, and it is of the utmost importance that we remain organized and composed in this next attempt.

If you did not see First Ranger krabbby's original announcement, you can and should do so.

I look forward to seeing you all there. I promised after the first World Event attempt that we would take on and defeat every single Lord's Dungeon, and I aim to keep that promise.

For we are the shield that guards the realms of men.

Lord Commander of The Night's Watch